Sunday 22 May 2007 - Bulli
It is clear that the cynicism with which some misguided souls approached this ride is unwarranted... Turns out, it was a ripper. Only real incident on the entire trip (around four hours or so) was 100m from the end, when Matt snapped the hanger on his brand new hard tail (why Matt was riding (or had acquired!) a hard tail is a much longer story for another day...). In any case, he managed to walk it out the last stretch, and everyone was back safe and sound, and feeling pretty healthy as well...
Thoughts from Johnbo:
A biking novices perspective:
Despite Stephe’s protestations to the contrary, a very enjoyable ride on a beautiful day. A slow ‘fitness test’ of a climb up the Bulli escarpment followed by a well earned / enjoyable easy quick descent through eucalypt and twisting rainforest track. Would have benefited from a dip in the sea at Thirroul afterwards…perhaps next time.
Agreed, not so much challenge in the technical department for all you long term die hard’s looking for the next death-wish technical challenge, but nonetheless a good confidence re-builder for the new kid on the block!
Photos and stuff up here (including some videos, sat maps, profile etc), some samples below:
Nice view from the top (Johnbo, Matt, Rees, Whisperer), and a group shot (Whisperer, Rees, Brian, Johnbo, Doug (cuuuute), Matt, Stephe):

The profile (25kms in total, lots of hill!), and some context:

It wasn't all uphill, there was some bits to play on as well:

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