Saturday 31 May 2008 - Hunters Hill
A very enjoyable ride, during on ongoing period of scrappy / last minute attempts at getting out there!
Plan was a relatively fast blast from Middle Cove to Hunters Hill and back - I suppose we should have been thinking that the world may not align when T-Bone failed to turn up at 7am as planned, and when asked why on the phone, discovered he was thinking Sunday! That said, Matt and Stephe were indeed joined by some quality company in the guise of Danny and Cassandra (who were running late, and hence picked us up down by Lane Cove River Steak House).
After the basic pleasantries, we kicked off - with Matt and Stephe taking it in turns to stuff up relatively easy bits and then go back over and over again to try 'em once more. At this stage Danny and Cassie may well have been wondering what they'd got into (particularly when Matt went OTB, and then floundered around in the bush for a while before he could get back to his feet).

We eventually managed a fairly stop / start ride off to Hunters Hill, although there were still a number of fun bits to play on along the way, and similarly back from Hunters Hill(with entertaining sections as we went past the various soccer games, golf activities and the like - early Sunday tends to be a lot safer for such matters).
Back at home around 11am - making for a fairly long ride not covering a whole heap of distance, but still good to be back on the bike!
Full set of photos are up here...
[looking forward to Danny and Cassie's comments after the ride!]
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