Sunday 10 August 2008 - Menai
Well folks, we managed to finally do it - put together a Menai ride so that we were always heading in a direction of our choosing, not doubling back for no good reason, and finishing as if we meant it!
NicMcVic, Paul and Stephe cruised on out to Menai for an early start to a beautiful day (albeit with a little early hiccup on timing / sleeping in etc!).
We arrived, got ourselves sorted and set off, through the oval, and down to the track to the sweet single track to the Lucas Heights road... Across the road, we went off to do the clockwise loop off to the Right, and ended up on the service track for the power lines, from where we traversed across to the drop back to the centre of the Menai 'bowl'.
Paul was looking good on the way down:

From the bottom of the bowl, we followed the creek (roughly!) to the fire trail crossing of the creek (with some abandoned cars). Along the way, there were the standard little hill challenges, and it was really very beautiful in there, with lots of lush green foliage, and pretty flowers:

Nic took some time out for a bite to eat, and Paul and Stephe checked out the extremely well made and maintained playground, including a few practice runs on the (less challenging) rolls:

Then, off across the creek, up around the back to the 'roller coaster' section (near the rickety north shore stuff), and then a rush back to the car for Nic to get back into the City in time for the afternoon's performances (ah, it's a pleasure to ride with such talented people!):

The rest of the photos are up here (and, again, we definitely need Doug back, not just for his company and skill, but for photos!).
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