Sunday 25 January 2009 - Yarramundi
After a scorcher of a week, it was with relief that Chris, Nicole, Phil and Stephe arrived at Yarramundi at 8am on a nicely clouded over, and relatively cool, Saturday morning.
With a long slow warm up, a second lap was always going to be more fun - and it was. Chris discovered the joy of a 'non-retro' mountain bike, Phil demonstrated that he was a dark horse, with far too much adventure racing under his belt to just sit back quietly, and Nicole has yet again discovered that clip in pedals would be an excellent idea! And Stephe was most pleased to be told by Phil that the time you take to warm up is proportional to how fit you are (a comforting thought to someone who takes a minimum of 30 minutes to get up to speed, but tragically not one that seems borne out in practice...).

The layout at Yarramundi was a little different to our last visit, with the first lap just under 8kms, and the second lap just over 8kms - but it was still moderately enjoyable. Google Earth view below (with the .gpx here for lap1 and lap2 for those interested):

All photos are up here.
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