Sunday 27 September 2009 - Ourimbah
Given that it turned out we didn't ride for some time after this one, it was fortunate that it was such a goodie!
A really cool day out riding, good company, great conditons, no mechanicals and fun, fun, fun.
Liz, Matt P (hey, he still can turn up on a xc bike!), Bob, Chris, Phil and Stephe arrived around 7.30am all prepped and ready for fun. Paul J. turned up a minute or two later (just long enough afterwards to miss out on the group photo...).

Donal was there not long afterwards, but we managed to miss him, and he and Louis did a lap on their own. When we did finally catch up with them, Louis had had a big 'off' and was moving sufficiently tenderly that it was agreed it might be a good thing for Donal to administer some first aid... so we set off again without their company.
No photos on the track, because we were just having fun. Unfortunately, Bob proved that he had lost none of his training riding fitness, and managed to egg Stephe on until he finally cracked (well, it didn't turn out to be that hard, I fear), and much skin was lost on a downhill slide. Bugger!
Liz was entirely undaunted by the boofy blokes, and showed that treadling to work is a great way to keep bike fitness in place, and Matt, Paul and Phil continued to demonstrate what legends they are (all of them taking it to Bob who was looking for the 'hard man' title of the day). Chris appeared to enjoy himself, but hasn't been itching for a return trip, so we'll need to find out about that one in due course!

Photos are here, and the two laps (.kmz files) are here: lap1 and lap2.
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